Friday, December 30, 2011

Dark movie magic

'Melancholia''Mr. Nobody''Beginners''Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy'To paraphrase Jean-Luc Godard, it was a year of beginnings, middles and ends, but not necessarily in that order.Beginning with the endings, 2011 saw the penultimate episodes in both the "Harry Potter" series -- an unrivaled 1,180-minute coming-of-ager during which the young cast matured onscreen over the course of a decade, all the while combating the encroachment of dark magic -- and the Cannes film festival's even longer-running indulgence with Danish enfant terrible Lars von Trier, whose disastrous press conference upstaged his masterful, emotionally honest "Melancholia."Whereas Potter was all bombast and CGI in the face of Muggledom's near-annihilation, "Melancholia" depicted unnatural calm when confronting the end of the world (an attitude that might have made the rebarbative devastation of Michael Bay's latest "Transformers" entry a bit more bearable). While it's no surprise to find the fate of Earth at stake in big-budget comicbook movies, this year also brought unexpected apocalyptic visions in arthouse form, courtesy of everyone from emerging young talent Jeff Nichols (whose "Take Shelter" cements him as a serious American director) to retiring Hungarian helmer Bela Tarr (up to his old tricks with "The Turin Horse").Tarr claims that his austere parable, which consists of an old peasant mashing potatoes for two and a half hours, will be his last. I found it a tough sit at the Berlin Film Festival, but have since become convinced that when the chips settle and the awards hype finally dies down, it will prove every bit as enduring a cinematic achievement as Spielberg's grandiose "War Horse." While "War Horse" works on extravagant visual and emotional levels, "The Turin Horse" feels more philosophical in its ambitions.At its best, 2011 brought us plenty of Big Idea movies, which makes it, in this critic's estimation, one of the more exciting years in recent cinematic memory. Certainly no undertaking felt loftier than Terrence Malick's "The Tree of Life," which momentarily attempts to cup life, the universe and everything in its hands. Malick's magnum opus, which feels more like an impressionist painting or symphony than a traditional film, forgoes such quaint notions as three-act structure, barely giving us the information we need to follow its premise, as Sean Penn plays a disconnected big-city exec trying to make sense of his younger brother's death.On first viewing (at the Cannes film festival, where the film deservedly cinched the Palme d'Or), "Tree" felt almost like a parody of a Malick movie, in which the director's elliptical style, whispered dialogue and natural digressions had been amplified to a cosmic scale. Still, even without the breathtaking origins-of-life sequence in the middle, "Tree" would still represent a grand artistic gesture, offering infinite points of connection amid the beguiling cloud of feelings, memories and moods lifted from Malick's own small-town Texas upbringing. It doesn't hurt that both Malick and I grew up in Waco, ensuring a certain amount of overlap in our formative experiences, and yet, "Tree" leaves the flashback portions open-ended enough that it should trigger unique personal connections from every viewer.Impatience and skepticism are valid responses, too, though I'd encourage anyone who felt frustrated by his first encounter with "The Tree of Life" to go back and give it another try (that goes for "Melancholia" as well, which is autobiographical in even more revealing ways). Whereas most films provide windows into a different world, these serve almost like mirrors into the subconscious, sure to yield different responses according to whatever state of mind you're in.Another film that bears multiple viewings is Tomas Alfredson's intricate adaptation of "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy." With its elegantly nonlinear narrative, "Tinker" can feel a bit like trying to do algebra in your head as your brain races to keep up with all the clues. On subsequent viewings, however, the level of detail provides rich insight into characters who play their cards extremely close to the vest. The same goes for Mike Mills' delightfully scrambled "Beginners," a warmly autobiographical film which, as the title suggests, celebrates the start of two very different relationships.The film I watched more times than any other in 2011 -- four viewings in all -- was Jaco Van Dormael's "Mr. Nobody," an extravagantly budgeted, staggeringly audacious tree of one boy's life, branching off into multiple eventualities at every major decision. By Godard's measure, it could be described as a story with one beginning, multiple middles and infinite possible endings. Sadly, when Cannes passed on "Mr. Nobody" in 2009, the director was forced to cut the film for its Venice bow, and it never landed American distribution (despite being made in English with Jared Leto, Sarah Polley and other familiar faces). The highlight of my year was having a hand in enabling its U.S. premiere as part of the Los Angeles Film Critics' "The Films That Got Away" series.The curse of seeing as many movies as we critics do is realizing just how many great films do get away each year. As such, it's invigorating to see exceptional foreign releases -- such as "Incendies," "City of Life and Death," "Certified Copy" and "A Separation" -- find a limited American following. But for every one of these gems, an equal number slips through the cracks.Stronger than anything I saw at Sundance was a tiny Chilean pic called "The Life of Fish," sampled on a whim at the Palm Springs Intl. Film Festival, which makes good on the scrappy, naturalistic relationship-movie format Amerindie directors are trying so hard to perfect. "Fish" proves that's possible, if only the storytellers can break past their own narcissism and embrace universally relatable human interactions -- in this case, the reunion of a couple whose flame still burns.And as much as I enjoyed "The Help," with its feel-good spin on '60s-era race relations, I dare any American distributor to release Abdellatif Kechiche's provocative "Black Venus," which recreates the uneasy exploitation of Saartjie Baartman, an African domestic who served as a sideshow novelty for early 19th-century Parisians. In it, newcomer Yahima Torres gives a performance on par with Viola Davis' award-touted turn. Unlike "The Help," however, "Black Venus" doesn't ameliorate its political subject with the safe buffer of contemporary enlightenment, resulting in a picture that's more prickly than crowdpleasing.Not that there's anything wrong with feel-good entertainment. "Hugo" and "The Artist" both generated genuine excitement for the lost era of silent cinema, using techniques both new and old. And the best ending of 2011? That would be the painstaking full-color restoration of Georges Melies' "A Trip to the Moon" by Lobster Films and the wizards at Technicolor. The 14-minute marvel bowed on opening night at Cannes, played an encore at Telluride and made an indelible cameo in Martin Scorsese's "Hugo." Contact Peter Debruge at

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Hilary Duff Shows Off Holiday Baby Bump

First Published: December 24, 2011 5:38 PM EST Credit: Twitter LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Caption Hilary Duff shows off her decorated baby bump on December 24, 2011Hilary Duff and her growing baby bump are getting in the in the holiday spirit! Happy holidays from the three of us!! the pregnant star Tweeted, with a photo of her belly painted with a holiday package and a message reading Happy Holidays. The 24-year-old and husband Mike Comrie are expecting their first child, a boy, this spring. And who was responsible for the baby bump art? @HaylieK what would I do without you and your artistic ways! the mom-to-be wrote thanking her sister Haylie for her belly painting. Copyright 2011 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy 49th Birthday, Ralph Fiennes! What's His Greatest Onscreen Moment?

What a momentous week for Ralph Fiennes — the august British thespian turns 49 today and lands at No. 7 on my list of the year’s best performances, therefore knocking Elizabeth Olsen out of the top 10 — ouch! Let’s keep his parade of good times rolling with a quick debate over his best onscreen moment. I dare you to disagree with mine. I’m of the opinion that Ralph Fiennes’s towering work as the odious Amon Goeth in Schindler’s List deserved an Oscar over Tommy Lee Jones in The Fugitive, but I’ll save that furious monologue for another day. My single favorite Fiennes moment is in Quiz Show, Robert Redford’s keenly observed morality tale set against the corruption of the game show cheating scandals of the 1950s. It presents with one alluring and conflicted character in lecturer-turned-liar Charles Van Doren (Fiennes), who eats up his stage time with gusto. Just fabulous. Start at the 4:00 mark, after competitor Herbert Stempel (John Turturro) takes a dive on the easiest Oscar question. If only Movieline writers were eligible to play Twenty-One in the ’50s — we’d rack up points and snappy retorts by the dozen. Have a different choice. The Constant Gardener? Schindler’s List? The English Patient? Contribute your wrongness below.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Actor Frazer, Capt. McNeil on 'Kojak,' Dies in NYC

Actor Frazer, Capt. McNeil on 'Kojak,' Dies in NYC December 19, 2011 NY (AP) Veteran film and television actor Dan Frazer, best known for his role as Captain Frank McNeil on the 1970s television series "Kojak," has died in NY. He was 90.Frazer's daughter, Susanna Frazer, said Sunday her father died of cardiac arrest Dec. 16 at his home in Manhattan. She described him as a "very truthful, naturalistic actor."Frazer started playing character roles in various television series and films in the 1950s. His films include "Cleopatra Jones," ''Take the Money and Run" ''Gideon's Trumpet" and "Deconstructing Harry." Besides "Kojak," Frazer's television appearances include "Car 54, Where Are You," ''Route 66," ''Barney Miller" and "Law & Order."He was a member of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and an adviser to The Workshop Theatre Co.Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Actor Frazer, Capt. McNeil on 'Kojak,' Dies in NYC December 19, 2011 NY (AP) Veteran film and television actor Dan Frazer, best known for his role as Captain Frank McNeil on the 1970s television series "Kojak," has died in NY. He was 90.Frazer's daughter, Susanna Frazer, said Sunday her father died of cardiac arrest Dec. 16 at his home in Manhattan. She described him as a "very truthful, naturalistic actor."Frazer started playing character roles in various television series and films in the 1950s. His films include "Cleopatra Jones," ''Take the Money and Run" ''Gideon's Trumpet" and "Deconstructing Harry." Besides "Kojak," Frazer's television appearances include "Car 54, Where Are You," ''Route 66," ''Barney Miller" and "Law & Order."He was a member of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and an adviser to The Workshop Theatre Co.Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kasdan's 'Companion' to open Santa Barbara fest

'Darling Companion'Lawrence Kasdan's "Darling Companion" will open the 27th Santa Barbara International Film Festival on Jan. 26 at the Arlington Theater. Sony Pictures Classics release stars Diane Keaton, Kevin Kline, Dianne Wiest, Richard Jenkins, Sam Shepard, Elizabeth Moss and Mark Duplass. "We are privileged to have the world premier of a Lawrence Kasdan film. Marking his return to directing after eight years, Darling Companion is a great choice to kick off the festival," said the fest's exec director Roger Durling. Fest, which runs through Feb. 5, will also feature a Lawrence Kasdan retrospective including "Body Heat" "The Big Chill" and "Grand Canyon" and a Q&A with the filmmaker. Contact Variety Staff at

Friday, December 9, 2011

'New Year's Eve': The Most Important Movie Ever Made

Curiously absent from the Oscar discussion so far this season is a small film, with a largely unknown cast, that tackles the complexities of aging perhaps better than any other film that I've ever seen. Inexplicably marketed by Warner Bros. as a comedy with a coherent plot, 'New Year's Eve' stands out above all for its jagged lack of cohesion. It takes a brave filmmaker to feature the talents of both Ryan Seacrest and Jim Belushi in a single film. Garry Marshall, the director of'New Year's Eve,' is that filmmaker. Before we can properly understand the message that this movie is trying to deliver, we must first learn about the forces that drive this small but resilient cast of characters. A cast of characters who, despite being so intimately intertwined, make it a point to talk only on the phone with one another instead of face-to-face. Even when they are in the same room, they remain so blissfully unaware of one another's presence that they never actually share a scene. This narrative disjointedness is a clear metaphor for the disconnect within our society. A lesser director would give in to the temptation to let his cast members share at least a few scenes together, but Garry Marshall is too clever to fall into the trap of creating an intelligible film with characters that you are forced to care about. By not focusing on any single character for more than four minutes at a time, he forces the viewer to ask painful questions about society as a whole and what has become of it. In fact, more than once while watching 'New Year's Eve,' I thought to myself, My God, what has happened to our society? This is why 'New Year's Eve' shines. This is why 'New Year's Eve' doesn't just define cinema; it defines us. Ingrid, played by an actress named Michelle Pfeiffer ('Wolf'), is alone. She works a job she hates (in the music industry -- I mean, can you imagine working at a job so terrible?) for a boss she despises, played by John Lithgow ('Ricochet'). How sleazy is Lithgow? When Ingrid asks for her year-end bonus, Lithgow immediately hands her a check for an unknown amount that appears, judging from Ingrid's facial expression, to be lower than what she had expected. How such a vile creature is permitted to roam the Earth this author will never understand. But there is hope that Ingrid will transcend her attenuated circumstances, and that hope arrives in the person of a bicycle courier named Paul (Zac Effron). Paul, who is 30 years younger than Ingrid, is the personification of Marshall's belief that age is irrelevant. You see, Paul's sister is played by Sarah Jessica Parker ('Striking Distance') -- even though Parker is 22 years older than Efron. To a viewer, it's obvious that Parker would be better suited to the role of Efron's mother than to that of his sister, but Efron's character never questions the film's subtly aberrant internal logic. He is oblivious to age and common sense. No scene more wholly encompasses this than the one in which Paul takes Ingrid to Tiffany's. The two are shown riding Paul's scooter up 6th Ave in Manhattan. An instant later, they are seen riding up 1st Ave, seven avenues to the east. Then, the instant after that, they arrive at Tiffany's on Madison Ave, five avenues back west. The route Paul chooses perfectly illustrates how the scattershot inconsistencies of 'New Year's Eve' represent those of his own youth, and ours. Oscar-winner Robert De Niro ('The Fan') gives his most commanding performance in years, playing a man who spends nearly all of his screen time asleep in a hospital bed. His doctor, Cary Elwes (reprising his unforgettable role as a doctor in 'No Strings Attached') gives De Niro's Stan no chance of surviving until the next day, even though Stan appears to the untrained eye to be perfectly healthy and well-nourished, an anomaly that serves only to make the situation all the more tragic. Stan spends his waking moments lamenting the failure of his relationship with his daughter, played by two-time Oscar-winner Hillary Swank ('The Core'), to a nurse portrayed by Oscar-winner Halle Berry ('The Flintstones'). It's a testament to Marshall's courage as a director that, when Swank finally arrives to pay last respects to her father, not one word about their failed relationship is even mentioned. In truth, no words are needed. Everything the audience needs to know is said by the look on both actors' faces -- a look that clearly signals, "I'd rather be anywhere than where I am right now." Jon Bon Jovi plays Jenson, who, in addition to serving as the love interest of Katherine Heigl ('Bride of Chucky'), is described in the film as "the hottest act in the music industry." Jon Bon Jovi will celebrate his 50th birthday on March 2. This feisty swipe at the music industry's obsession with youth dovetails with Marshall's serial assaults on our culture of consumerism and blatant self-promotion. How else to explain Marshall's decision to end the film with a dramatic close-up on a building-size Times Square billboard emblazoned with the poster for another Warner Bros. film, 'Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows'? And how else to explain how Blu-ray copies of Marshall's last film, 'Valentine's Day,' wind up emerging from the vaginal canal of a key character. (This really happens.) If it weren't so obvious that Marshall's hatred of our consumerist culture has driven him to near-reckless acts of self-sabotage, I would be tempted to think, "Wow, Garry Marshall has really become a hack." I mean, a rational human being could also ask, "Why are Seth Meyers and Jessica Biel even in this movie?" -- since their story about trying to have the first baby of the new year has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the movie. But their non-involvement with the rest of the story is precisely the reason they belong in this movie. And if you have to ask what I mean by that, then I'm warning you: under no circumstances should you ever see 'New Year's Eve.' Ever. Ashton Kutcher is in this movie, and deserves special credit for not appearing in a single scene that is in any way memorable. It takes a special talent to know when to just get out of the way and let the script do the magic. Every single person associated with this movie should be ashamed. I mean, as a society, we should all be ashamed that this movie even has to exist to deliver the message it so powerfully conveys. That's how far we've fallen, and thank God 'New Year's Eve' is there to pick us up. This one's on all of us. But every man, woman and child on this Earth should be forced to watch 'New Year's Eve,' because if you feel that you don't have any responsibility for its existence, you need to take a really hard look at yourself in the mirror. You can contact Mike Ryan directly on Twitter [Photo: Warner Bros.] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

'X Factor': Simon Cowell, Nicole Scherzinger React to Rachel Crow Elimination

Director Timur Bekmambetov will receive the International Filmmaker of the Year Award at CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theater Owners, which will be held April 23-26 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.our editor recommendsCinemaCon 2012 Set for April 23-26 in Las VegasSequel to Angelina Jolie's 'Wanted' Moves Forward With Familiar ScreenwritersTimur Bekmambetov's 'Yolki' Becomes Russia's Local Box-Office Champ Bekmambetov, who is currently directing and producing the live action adaptation of Seth Grahame-Smith's novel Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Hunter, will be honored during the convention's International Day, set for April 23. "With some of the highest grossing films in Russian history, Timur Bekmambetov has brought a unique narrative to international film audiences since his feature film debut Peshavar Vals (Escape from Afghanistan) took a violent and realistic look at the war between Russia and Afghanistan," CinemaCon managing director Mitch Neuhauser said. "From the fantasy films Night Watch and Day Watch to the action blockbuster Wanted, Bekmambetov has thrilled audiences around the globe with his cinematic point of view." Lincoln is also being produced by Tim Burton and Jim Lemley and is slated for release by Fox on June 22. Bekmambetov has also produced The Darkest Hour, a sci-fi thriller starring Emile Hirsch thatwill be released Dec. 25. Related Topics International Timur Bekmambetov CinemaCon

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Katy Perry Talks SNL: There Were A Lot Of Pitches About My Boobs!

First Published: December 8, 2011 8:53 PM EST Credit: Access Hollywood Caption Katy Perry on the set of Saturday Night LiveLOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Katy Perry has no problem showing off her figure on tour in a variety of creative costumes, and it appears shell be showcasing her shape on Saturday Night Live too, when she hosts the show for the first time this weekend. There were a lot of [skit] pitches about my boobs, Katy told Access Hollywood on Thursday. I was cool about that, but Im not sure all of it [got] in. So well see. The singer, who recently provided the voice for Smurfette in the animated feature The Smurfs has been enjoying the change of pace from concert performer to comedy actor for SNL, but shes not ready to commit to a dual career. I love doing the animation and the voice-overs, she said. It would really take something I could not live without to be in [for me to pursue acting]. It takes so much more discipline than being a musician. I can sing a song on tour and I sing it once and actors have to sing it 75 different ways from 75 different angles. Katy said there is actually one impetus to get her into acting. I love Kristen [Wiig], and if she ever asked me to do anything, I would totally do it, Katy said. Right now, Katy is happy singing, and taking on this rare outing as SNLs host and shes been getting good advice too from husband Russell Brand, who helmed the show once during last season. Of course my husband [has given me advice]. Every day Im checking in with him and hes giving me the next day move on what I should do or whats gonna go on or how I should act, she said. Beyond checking out her acting and comedy chops, when fans see Katy on SNL this Saturday, theyll get a chance to examine her recently debuted new look a cropped blond do. I got off a tour and I wanted to try something new, so I cut it off, she explained. And I went blond. I feel like Im 16 all over again, because this is the same haircut I had when I was 15 and 16, so everyones calling me [by my real name], Katy Hudson right now my family at least. Copyright 2011 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

ABC Pulls Man Up!

Man Up! ABC has pulled its struggling freshman comedy Man Up!, effective immediately. The sitcom will be replaced with reruns of Tim Allen's Last Man Standing, until the premiere of Work It on Tuesday, Jan. 3. Check out the rest of the day's news on Man Up premiered on Oct. 18 and has seen a steady ratings decline ever since. Tuesday's episode hit a series low with a 1.6 rating among 18-to-49-year-olds, and 4.8 million viewers - down from the 7.7 million that tuned in to the premiere.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Ryan Gosling Go Evil for the New York Times Magazine

Excepting 'Kalifornia,' Brad Pitt doesn't normally play the villain -- which makes his transformation in the latest NY Times Magazine all the more devilish. Each year, the publication features photos -- and accompanying video -- of movie stars doing something outlandish. For the 2011 edition, they have brought together Pitt, George Clooney, Ryan Gosling, Rooney Mara, Gary Oldman, Kirsten Dunst, Jessica Chastain and more for a feature called 'Touch of Evil.' In it, each actor transforms into a bad-guy archetype or a specific villain. In the case of Pitt, he has, according to him, channeled the late actor Peter Lorre (although, it looks a lot closer to Jack Nance from David Lynch's 'Eraserhead'). Oldman plays the menacing dummy ("I used to have one of those dolls when I was a kid. They're creepy to have in the room"), Clooney goes for British officer William Bligh ("'I picked Captain Bligh because I liked his hat"), Ryan Gosling is the Invisible Man ("I don't really know if the Invisible Man is a villain or not, but I just don't trust the guy. He says he's going to be somewhere, but never shows up") and 'Dragon Tattoo' actress Rooney Mara as 'Clockwork Orange' antagonist, Alex De Large ("There is something off about Alex, something slightly androgynous and something much more fascinating and complex than simply a villain.'") You can head over to the NY Times to check out all of the videos or click below. [via NY Times] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

Monday, December 5, 2011

Cheers & Jeers: SNL Can get Some Nucky

The Black Secrets, Steve Buscemi, Andy Samberg Cheers to Steve Buscemi for just about any double shot getting a twist.Want more Cheers & Jeers? Subscribe to TV Guide Magazine.Within the second stint as guest host of Saturday Evening Live, the Emmy-nominated actor displayed his sillier side, hilariously playing everybody in the burnout friend of Miley Cyrus (Vanessa Bayer) with a killer who glued with Dateline's creepy Keith Morrison (Bill Hader). Inside the standout episode's most daring sketch, Buscemi transported a creepy mustache just like a college basketball coach everyone improperly assumed will be a child molester.Speaking about creepy: Over on Buscemi's normal work at Boardwalk Empire, we finally discovered exactly how close Jimmy (Michael Pitt) is always to his mother (Gretchen Mol) in the subplot that culminated by getting an Oedipal surprise. Meanwhile, Buscemi's mob boss Nucky Thompson was busy threatening his conscience-stricken paramour Margaret (Kelly Macdonald) just just in case she decides to testify against him to get her husband whacked. That's Buscemi to suit your needs: Whether he's doing comedy or drama, he always kills.Whoever else consider Steve Buscemi on SNL - and Boardwalk Empire?Subscribe to TV Guide Magazine now!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Two More Comedy Pitches Land At Systems

Fox has bought Make Room, rapport comedy from author/executive producer Timothy Stack (Boy In The Beach), because the CW has bought The Makery, an ensemble multi-camera/hybrid comedy put together by Jason Benoit and executive produced by Teri Weinberg and Scott Aversano. Make Room, from last century Fox TV, concentrates on a couple of inside their late 20s who divorce and result in demand for living together inside the same apartment due to the financial crisis. Paradigm-repped Stack will be a speaking to producer on NBCsMy Title Is Earl where more youthful crowd carried out Tim Stack, a imaginary version of themselves. He's presently a speaking to producer on Fox’s Raising Hope. The Makery, from Weinberg’s Yellow Brick Road and Aversano’s Aversano Films, explores the existence encounters of countless 20-somethings in today’s tech-driven, business generation using the eyes of Ky Harrel and her sex and associations column.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

UPDATE: Vital Responds To Melrose II Fund Suit Over Profits From Transformers Along With Other Films

UPDATE: Vital has taken care of immediately the Melrose II suit. Vital has complied using its obligations to Melrose 2 and it has been forthcoming within the audit process. We're disappointed these sophisticated traders would decide to file a suit full of hyperbole that ignores the real details instead of simply because process right through to completion. The Melrose 2 traders have previously received almost 90% of the investment back underneath the financing agreement, and many of the films by which they participate (like the effective Transformers 3) stay in the earliest stages of the generating potential. While we plan to intensely defend this suit, the variations between the parties positions are relatively modest in amount and that we are confident they may be resolved within the regular course. Virginia Lam, representative for Vital Pictures. EARLIER, 3:47 PM: Begin to see the full complaint here. La, November 29, 2011 Kirkland & Ellis LLP is representing Melrose Traders 2 LP (Melrose 2) inside a breach of contract situation by which Melrose 2 seeks to recuperate profits associated with its nearly $375 million purchase of 29 films created by Vital Pictures Corporation and DW Galleries L.L.C., formerly referred to as Dreamworks Galleries (Accused). The 29 films, including such hits as Jason Bourne 3, Charlottes Web, Dreamgirls, Flags in our Fathers, Rotor blades of Glory, Jackass 2 and all sorts of three Transformers films, amongst others, have made near to $7 billion up to now. The investor group was wishing to avert being the 3rd co-financing vehicle to possess sued against Vital and DW Galleries LLC, but despite our ongoing efforts to stay our variations, Vital has declined to cooperate, a representative for that investor group mentioned. The complaint alleges: In 2006, Accused joined into a contract with Melrose 2 by which Melrose 2 would admit a 25% copyright curiosity about as much as 30 films that Accused created. To get this possession interest, Melrose 2 decided to fund a professional rata quantity of the development costs. Melrose 2 met its obligations and needs to date, provided nearly $375 million to Accused to create 29 films. Within the 5 years because the agreement was signed, Melrose 2 hasn't received any profits using their nearly $375 million investment. Accused have frequently impeded Melrose 2s audits, involved in obstructionist tactics, overstated deficits and understated the revenues received regarding the the exploitation from the Melrose 2-funded films. Vital has deliberately inflated deficits and underreported gross receipts and that we intend to strongly pursue our clients claims and recover its share from the profits during these films, stated Kirkland & Ellis attorney Mark Holscher, who leads the Kirkland team, along with partner Diana Torres. Mr. Holscher is known as among Californias Best Players lawyers and it is a across the country recognized wager-the-company trial attorney. This Year, he won a $52 million verdict with respect to actor Don Manley inside a breach of contract and copyright violation situation including delinquent profits against Rysher Entertainment, Qualia Capital LLC and 2929 Entertainment, Corporation.

Downgrade sinks Netflix stock

Netflix stock happened Tuesday carrying out a downgrade by S&P, because the company's chief financial officer David Wells defended its strategy on all fronts -- foreign expansion, numerous nonexclusive content deals and last week's go to raise $400 million in the stock and debt purchase to cushion its balance sheet. Wells told traders within the Credit Suisse Technology Conference that Netflix is attempting to "bring the organization back brick by brick" after several flubs this year triggered a person revolt. "In my opinion this is often a extended-term component that we should accept. It may need a while with this to come back,Inch he mentioned. The once high-flying shares closed lower 3.4%, or $2.38, at $67.57 after Standard & Poor's late Monday cut its rating round the company's debt to BB- from BB, stating trading on content and worldwide expansion that will still erode profits. Netflix has mentioned it requires red-colored-colored ink in 2012 on new worldwide services inside the U.K. and Ireland. The organization also thinks it could take a lot more than anticipated for domestic customer growth to resume. Netflix's meteoric growth condemned with a halt last quarter. It ended September with 23.79 million U.S. subs, lower from 24.59 million the last quarter. The business effectively elevated the price of their original DVD service and attempted, then canceled plans, to rebrand it. Wells reiterated their conjecture that internet customer additions will turn positive for your month of December. Experts estimate Netflix will pay out about $1 billion on content deals due to its streaming service this season and discover that rising to $1.9 billion next season. Netflix doesn't disclose people amounts but has mentioned it requires trading to just about double. Wells clarified the "nearly" means the business is searching within an increase around 78%. He mentioned there's money reserve for renewal and "chance buys." A maximum of 15% in the money is restricted to exclusive or original programming -- a conscious decision by company professionals. "Exclusivity matters if you want to be classified and for the moment there's nobody inside our direct space, so you have to have an overabundance...a smaller amount exclusivity plus much more content," Wells mentioned. For worldwide, Wells acknowledged the U.K. companies are highly competitive, a downside, but mentioned that's offset since it is much softer sailing due to the higher quantity of device transmission. "We don't have to perform marketing and lifting of showing to individualsInch how streaming works, he mentioned. Contact the number newsroom at

Jackson Family Demands Stiff Sentence Against Conrad Murray

First Launched: November 29, 2011 12:28 PM EST Credit: Getty Images Caption Defense attorney J. Michael Flanagan, Dr. Conrad Murray and defense attorney Erection dysfunction Chernoff in the courtroom on November 3, 2011 in Los AngelesLOS ANGELES, Calif. -- A lawyer for Michael Jacksons family on Tuesday told a judge sentencing the doctor who triggered the entertainers dying your family isn't seeking revenge but wants a stiff sentence that actually works like a warning to opportunistic doctors. The Bible reminds us that males no longer can do justice, they could only seek justice, your family mentioned in the statement read by attorney John Panish. That's all we could request just like a family, that is we request here. The statement ongoing to convey, We are not here to locate revenge. There is nothing that can be done today that will bring Michael back. Panish did not particularly request the most term of four years in jail for Murray but mentioned the cardiologist needs to be punished with techniques that reminds doctors they can't sell their services for the finest bidder. Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor was prone to sentence Murray later over the following day's speaking with lawyers on sides in the situation. Murray was billed of involuntary wrongful dying carrying out a six-week trial that presented most likely probably the most detailed account yet of Jacksons final several hours but left many queries about Murrays control over the celebrity by getting a practical-room anesthetic while he fought against chronic insomnia. Prosecutors want Pastor to sentence Murray with a maximum four-year term that likely might be cut no less than in 2 due to jail overcrowding. Defense lawyers want probation for your cardiologist, saying he'll lose his capacity to rehearse medicine and likely face a very long time of ostracism. Several people of Jacksons family, including mother Katherine and siblings and siblings LaToya, Jermaine, Randy and Rebbie, attended the proceedings. Murray looked straight ahead as Deputy Da David Walgren told the judge that Murray did not have remorse with the situation. The doctor used a suit in the courtroom. Jacksons dying in June 2009 stunned the earth, as did the ensuing analysis that introduced to Murray being charged in February 2010. Murray told detectives he'd been giving the singer nightly doses of propofol to help him sleep while he ready for several comeback concerts. Propofol ought to be found in hospital designs and contains never been approved for sleep remedies, yet Murray acknowledged passing onto Jackson then departing the region at that time the singer died. Murray declined to testify throughout his trial but did choose to get familiar with a documentary through which he mentioned he didnt consider themselves accountable for any crime and blamed Jackson for entrapping him into giving the propofol doses. His lawyers contended with the situation that Jackson must have given themselves the fatal dose when Murray left the entertainers bed room. Inside their sentencing memorandum, prosecutors reported Murrays states advocate he get the most term. Furthermore they need him to cover restitution for the entertainers three children Prince, Paris and Blanket. Its unlikely that Murray pays any substantial sum, like the $1.8 million cost of his funeral. He was deeply with debt when he made the decision to operate as Jacksons personal physician for $150,000 monthly, as well as the singer died before Murray received anything. Throughout Murrays trial, a jury heard a slurred recording of Jackson on Murrays cell phone. The doctor or his lawyers never referred to in the courtroom why he recorded the impaired singer six days before his dying, nevertheless it revealed the ambition in the artist who burst in this region just like a baby-faced part of the Jackson Five inside the seventies. We should be phenomenal, he was heard saying about his Here You Go concerts london. When people leave this show, when people leave my show, I'd like those to say, Ive never observed nothing can beat this throughout my existence. Go. Go. Ive never observed nothing can beat this. Go. Its amazing. Hes the best artist in the world. Jacksons comeback attempt came after he'd been pressed into obscurity. Despite his acquittal of child molestation in 2005, Jackson joined seclusion, departing his lavish manor Neverland Ranch and moving for the Middle East and Las vegas, where he first met Murray. Prosecutors mentioned the mens relationship was corrupted by avarice. Murray left his practices for everybody as Jacksons physician and consider his well-being, but instead socialized becoming an worker serving the entertainers have to receive propofol to put him to relaxation, prosecutors mentioned. The defendant has displayed a whole inadequate remorse for resulting in Michael Jacksons dying, prosecutors written in the filing the other day. Worse than neglecting to simply accept the littlest amount of responsibility, (Murray) has placed blame on everyone else, like the one person forget about here to safeguard themselves, Michael Jackson. Murrays lawyers are depending largely on 34 letters from relatives, pals and former patients to portray Murray in the much much softer light and win a lighter sentence. The letters and defense filings describe Murrays empathy just like a physician, including accepting lower obligations from his mostly poor patients. There's without doubt the dying of his patient, Mr. Jackson, was unintentional plus an enormous tragedy for everyone affected, defense lawyers written inside their sentencing memo. Dr. Murray remains known to love a changed, grief-stricken guy, who walks aroundunder a pall of sadness since losing his patient, Mr. Jackson. Pastor will even review research by probation government bodies which has a sentencing recommendation. The report will finish up public after Murray is sentenced. ___ Follow Anthony McCartney at Copyright 2011 with the Connected Press. All rights reserved. These elements is probably not launched, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Ben Whishaw Confirmed As Bond's Q

He'll be teching up in SkyfallThere are actually whispers floating likely to this effect for just about any day roughly now, nevertheless it appears that Ben Whishaw is proven since the new Q in Skyfall, following a BBC referred to as his agent to evaluate. Meaning the star of Perfume will probably be kitting Bond by helping cover their the normal dart-pens, rappelling-watches and dying-cars you'd expect, and many likely a few new gimmicks you don't.Whishaw steps in to a role formerly occupied with the late, great Desmond Llewelyn and briefly by John Cleese. Thinking about the actor (one of the great stage Hamlets of history number of decades) is much better recognized for playing nervy, cerebral youthful figures (Sebastian in Brideshead Revisited John Keats in Vibrant Star), we're taking a chance this Q could make important of his relative youth, revelling in the fact he's more stylish for the tech in comparison to spy he's dressing up. Ultimately, youthful people nowadays all look like Q, right, utilizing their iThingies and Wiiyamacallits.[[Poll556]]Skyfall just started shooting at Bond's traditional home in Pinewood, and you'll be in cinemas on October 26, 2012. Mike Mendes is clearly pointing, with Difficulties and Judi Dench returning and so on of Naomie Harris, Berenice Marlohe and Javier Bardem joining them.

Scotty McCreerys Lip-Sync Snafu In The Macys Thanksgiving Parade

First Released: November 25, 2011 1:26 PM EST Credit: FilmMagic NY, N.Y. -- Caption Scotty McCreery attends the 85th annual Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade, NY City, November 24, 2011It seems Lauren Alaina wasnt the only real former The American Idol Show Season 10 alumnus with song issues on Thursday. The shows newest champion, Scotty McCreery, were built with a very apparent lip-syncing problem while getting involved in the annual Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade. As his song, The Problem with Women started, following an intro by The modern Matt Lauer, the nation star didnt have his mouth open in song, or even the microphone near his face as his recorded voice came streaming from the noisy loudspeakers. Click The Link to look at. Exactly the same factor happened for Avril Lavigne, who didnt possess the microphone at her mouth as her song, Wish You Had Been Here, started. Click The Link to look at Avrils lip-sync incident. For Lauren, as formerly reported on, she appeared to your investment lyrics towards the National Anthem The Star-Spangled Banner going quiet for any verse on Thursday in the Lions/Packers game in Detroit. Later, on Twitter, she required possession of her mistake. Thanks everybody for that kind words, she authored on Thursday mid-day. However I screwed up. Im gonna spend the relaxation during the day being grateful for those my benefits. Copyright 2011 by NBC Universal, Corporation. All privileges reserved. These components might not be released, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Friday, November 18, 2011

George Clooney and Noah Wyle Competing for Jobs Role: Rumor

Former 'ER' co-stars George Clooney and Noah Wyle are -- based on an extremely dubious report -- competing to portray Jobs within an approaching large-screen biopic. Wyle already performed the late Apple co-founder inside a 1999 TV movie, which brought to him meeting the actual Jobs (Wyle informs the storyplot inside a 2009 interview), who then employed the actor to impersonate him again at this year's MacWorld Expo. (Visit a clip here). Clooney, meanwhile, does not remotely resemble Jobs, and most probably includes a dozen other projects on his plate anyway. The The new sony biopic is dependant on Walter Isaacson's best-selling biography from the technology icon. Wyle ably channeled Jobs within the TNT TV movie 'Pirates of Plastic Valley,' which co-starred Anthony Michael Hall as Bill Gates (begin to see the trailer, below). The main one-time Dr. John Carter is presently starring on TNT's sci-fi series, 'Falling Skies,' that will return for any second season in 2012. [The Sun's Rays via Slashfilm] [Photos: WireImage, Getty] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

'Game of Thrones' Star Nabs Role of King Arthur in 'Arthur & Lancelot'

GettyKit Harington Game of Thrones actor Kit Harington has plucked the sword from the stone and will play the future King Arthur in Warner Bros.' Arthur & Lancelot. David Dobkin is directing the movie, which seeks to spin the King Arthur myth into a bit of a lighthearted action movie the way the studio did with Sherlock Holmes. STORY: 'The Killing' Star Wins Lancelot Role in 'Arthur & Lancelot' In the classic myth, Lancelot was one of Arthur's knights and ends up in an adulterous relationship with Arthur's wife, Guinevere. The movie sees Arthur as an illegitimate son being raised by a humble and poor knight in a village who will grow into an inspiring leader while Lancelot is a rebellious noble who distrusts the established government. (Guinevere, at this stage of the game, is simple a cameo but will figure more prominently in potential sequels.) The movie is eying a March 2012 start. STORY: 'Game of Thrones,' 'The Killing' Actors Emerge as 'Arthur & Lancelot' Frontrunners Harington's role of Arthur has parallels to his character in Thrones, where he plays an illegitimate son with hidden potential to the lord of the northern kingdom. Harington made his screen debut with Thrones and is also cast in Silent Hill: Revelation 3D. The actor, who screen tested twice for the Arthur role, is repped by CAA. Game of Thrones

Monday, November 14, 2011

Herman Cain Camp Says Libya Comments Taken 'Out of Context' (Video)

Herman Cain's campaign camp says a video clip of him fumbling to answer an interviewer's question about Libya has been "taken out of context."our editor recommendsRick Perry: The Strange Reason Hollywood Is Disappointed in HimRick Perry Concludes Day of Damage Control With David LettermanHerman Cain is Topic of Yet Another Gloria Allred Press Conference (VIDEO)Clint Eastwood Praises Herman Cain and Chris ChristieRelated Topics•Politics During the exchange with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's editorial board, the presidential hopeful seemed unclear about whether or not he supported Barack Obama's stance on the country. He said, "President Obama supported the uprising, correct? President Obama called for the removal of Gaddafi. Just wanted to make sure we're talking about the same thing before I say, 'Yes, I agreed. No, I didn't agree.' " PHOTOS: 10 Entertainers Democrats and Republicans Love to Hate Cain then declared "I do not agree with the way he handled it for the following reason" then cut himself off, saying, "Nope, that's a different one." He apologized for his muddled reaction, saying, "I got all this stuff twirling around in my head." Cain spokesman JD Gordon later explained to MSNBC that the former Godfather's Pizza CEO "didn't say anything wrong or inaccurate; it just took him a while to recall the specifics of Libya." PHOTOS: Michele Bachmann: The Politics of Fashion Gordon defended Cain, "The video is being taken out of context. He was taking questions for about 30 to 40 minutes on four hours of sleep." Later on in the interview, Cain remarked, "Some people want to say as President you're supposed to know everything. No you don't." "I believe in having all of the information, as much of it as I possibly can, rather than making a decision or a statement about whether I totally agree or disagree when I wasn't privy to the entire situation." Cain's stumble comes a week after Texas Governor Rick Perry suffered from an awkward loss of words during a Republican debate in Michigan, in which he forgot the third agency of the government he plans to shut down if elected president. Related Topics Barack Obama MSNBC Politics Rick Perry Herman Cain

Basketball Players Reject Latest Contract Offer, Plan To Decertify Union Season Uncertain

The Basketball’s locked-out players rejected the league’s latest offer for just about any new collective settling agreement today, with union executive director Billy Hunter calling the recommended deal “extremely unfair.” He mentioned the players’ association is beginning the whole process of disbanding the union — step one in filing an antitrust action in the league and delivering the whole mess for the courts. It’s the identical tactic the Nfl’s players used in their lockout inside the summer season, but this time around round the move could jeopardize the entire Basketball season already, the league had cut 10 games within the normal season in the modified schedule since the two sides remain far apart in contract talks. What this means is a sizable hit on ad revenue for ABC/ESPN, TNT/Turner and regional sports systems that hold lucrative TV rights to games. Commissioner David Stern had referred to as newest labor supply the league’s best, recommending a 50-50 split in revenue between players and entrepreneurs. He mentioned the next offer available will probably be a more compact amount favorable: a 53-47 split meant for the league.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Immortals Box Office Lively #1 With $36M, Jack And Jill $27M, Puss In Boots $26M, Tower Heist $14M, J. Edgar $13.5M

FRIDAY 10 PM UPDATE: A few days ago is beginning to set. Latest Top10 grosses showbetter United States box office than formerly thought because of the Veterans Day holiday weekendwhen school has gone out in 60% of the nation. What's promising isbreak from slouching attendance having a $130+M total moviegoing weekend, up+15% from this past year.Relativity’s Immortals may be the #1 movie.It did $1.4M in night time gross from roughly 900 locations then broadened locations and grosses throughout your day and evening. Nowadays, a $35M weekend bowis something. Butnot when it becomes clear that Immortals is a300-clone but won’t make 50% from the $70.8M opening amount the original 2D movie did despite the greater three dimensional ticket prices. � was absolutely a large success, but we're inside a different economy, marketplace, and season,” a Relativity professional informs me tonight. “Young males happen to be challenging in the last year.Its a substantial accomplishment that people got them.We're well situated to become the next greatest R-ranked film this season and also the greatest R-ranked action film this season. This can be a win for all of us.” Relativity also claimsreduced risk from foreign pre-sales around the $75M-allocated film.” Audiences gave Immortals a ‘B’ CinemaScore. Meanwhile, The new sony Pictures’ Jack And Jill starring Adam Sandler looks hard-pressed to equal his usual $30+M opening comedies. (Maybe moviegoers aren’t as moronic as Hollywood thinks they're.)Jack and Jill received a ‘B’ CinemaScore but additionally an ‘A-” from audiences under age 18. J. Edgar also received a ‘B’ CinemaScore. However, Warner Bros is searching in a strong per screen average for Clint Eastwood’s and Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oscar-buzzed biopic. For holdover Tower Heist from Universal, Brett Ratner’s lousy week just just get lousier. Refined amounts and full analysis coming: 1. Immortals three dimensional (Relativity) NEW [3,112 Theaters] Friday $14M, Believed Weekend $35M 2. Jack And Jill (The new sony Pictures) NEW [3,438 Theaters] Friday $9M,Believed Weekend $26M 3. Puss In Boots three dimensional (DreamWorks Animation/Componen) Week 3 [3,903 Theaters] Friday $8M,Believed Weekend $24M, Believed Cume $106.5M 4. Tower Heist (Universal) Week 2 [3,370 Theaters] Friday $4.6M (-42%),Believed Weekend $13M, Believed Cume $43.7M 5. J. Edgar (Warner Bros) NEW – opened up Wednesday [1,901 Theaters] Friday $3.5M, Believed Weekend $13M 6. Harold & Kumar three dimensional Christmas (NL/Warner Bros) Week 2 [2,875 Theaters] Friday $2.2M (-58%), Believed Weekend $6M, Believed Cume $23.5M 7. Over Time (Fox) Week 3 [3,127 Theaters] Friday $1.5M, Believed $4M, Believed Cume $30.5M 8. Paranormal Activity 3 (Vital) Week 4 [2,776 Theaters] Friday $1.3M, Believed Weekend $3.8M, Believed Cume $101M 9. Footloose (Vital) Week 5[2,215 Theaters] Friday $1M, Believed $2.7M, Believed Cume $48.7M 10. Real Steel (DreamWorks/Disney) Week 6[1,758 Theaters] Friday $650K, Believed Weekend $1.8M, Believed Cume $81.5M 4 PM: Because it’s Veteran’s Day, it’s another type of Friday with school in 60% of the nation. And So I’m reluctant calling anything off matinees and can hold back until tonight firms up. But when current trends continue,The new sony Pictures’ Jack And Jill starring Adam Sandler looks hard-pressed to equal his usual $30+M opening comedies. (Maybemoviegoers aren’t as moronic as Hollywood thinks they're.)As the 300-clone Immortals, the3D pic from Relativity,might not makemore than40% ofthe $70.8M opening weekend amount the original 2D movie did. Immortals at this time is searching tobe the #1 movie in the United States box office but “could be anybody’s ballgame tonight,” an adversary studio professional cautions me. Immortals did $1.4M in night time gross from roughly 900 locations that is so-so. However, Warner Bros’ J. Edgar is searching in a strong per screen average for Clint Eastwood’s and Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oscar-buzzed biopic.5 Best such as this but sign in later: 1. Immortals three dimensional (Relativity) $28M believed weekend from three,112 Theaters for debut 2. Jack And Jill (The new sony Pictures) $25M believed weekend from three,438Theaters for debut 3. Puss In Boots three dimensional(DreamWorks Animation/Vital) $22M believed weekendfrom 3,903 Theaters for Week 3 4.J. Edgar (Warner Bros) $18M believed weekend from1,901 Theaters after opening Wednesday in limited run 5. Tower Heist (Universal) $15M believed weekendfrom 3,370 Theaters for Week 2

Leonardo DiCaprio in 'Boogie Nights' and 14 Other Roles Stars Switched Lower

Stars spread roles constantly -- it's part of the movie business. Take Leonardo DiCaprio. His enormous box-office potential makes him most likely probably the most looked for-after stars on earth. Consequently, he's been offered the opportunity to experience numerous large-time figures, a few which he's required to turn lower. (Not infamous FBI director J. Edgar Hoover in Clint Eastwood's 'J. Edgar,' which opened up up now.) In recognition of DiCaprio and also the Hollywood brethren, let's take a look back in a couple of from the finest roles stars have ever switched lower. 15 Roles Stars Switched Lower Leonardo DiCaprio in 'Boogie Nights'Will Cruz in 'The Matrix'John Travolta in 'Forrest Gump'Mel Gibson in 'Gladiator'Michelle Pfeiffer and Jodie Promote in 'Thelma & Louise'Tom Cruise in 'Footloose'Matt Damon in 'Avatar'Madonna in 'Casino'Freddie Prinze Junior. in 'Spider-Guy'Jack Nicholson in 'The Godfather'Tom Selleck in 'Raiders in the Lost Ark'Alec Baldwin in 'The Fugitive'Molly Ringwald in 'Pretty Lady'Steve McQueen in 'Dirty Harry'Leonardo DiCaprio in 'American Psycho' See All Moviefone Galleries » [Photo: FilmMagic / Everett Collection] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

James Earl Manley Accepts Honorary Oscar From Afar

First Launched: November 11, 2011 12:07 PM EST Credit: Getty Images La, Calif. -- Caption James Earl Manley accepts the Existence Achievement award through the 15th Annual Screen Stars Guild AwardsJames Earl Manley will recieve an honorary Oscar for his nearly five decades in film, nevertheless the 80-year-old thespian states he shouldnt be an actress. One, because Im a stutterer, the deep-voiced star mentioned on the phone from London, where he's starring with Vanessa Redgrave inside the stage output of Driving Miss Daisy. And A Pair Of, he ongoing, my review of movies was searching in a bench in Mississippi watching a movie around the makeshift screen, a sheet extended between two stores, then when a fistfight began on-screen on that sheet, I freaked out. I couldnt handle the violence, therefore i hid beneath the bench and begged people to be stop, and so they didnt. They just seen. I guess I mentioned essentially cant stop them, I better join them. Join them he did, making his large-screen debut in Stanley Kubricks 1964 classic, Dr. Strangelove or: The Way In Which I Learned to avoid Worrying and Love the Blast. Manley was nominated to find the best actor Oscar for seventies The Fantastic White-colored Hope, the identical role that won him a Tony couple of years prior. He's came out in several movies, plays and tv shows, and gave voice to two of films most memorable fathers: Mustafa inside the Lion King and Darth Vader inside the Alien trilogy. When Darth Vader first spoke on film,I declined it absolutely was me, Manley mentioned. I'd justification: I thought it had been effects. Asked for to check on stage, screen and voice acting, Manley mentioned, I like everything. I even love ads. When the Academy of motion Picture Arts and Sciences approached August to convey they were adoring him by getting an Oscar within the third annual Governors Honours, Manley believe it is an account. The caller convinced my boy, who screens everything, convinced him it was not a prank, he mentioned. As we recognized it not just a prank, we started laughing and havent stopped laughing since. The actor mentioned he's deeply grateful for your recognition and also the extended tenure becoming an artist. I have been very pleased with my career and extremely happy, even though I am not mainly a film actor, which helps it be a lot more astonishing that we would appreciate this award, he mentioned. He mentioned he retains more to accomplish on-screen: Ive done some kind of special gems, however dont think Ive done that movie that could say Ill leave as my legacy. Im still awaiting your one. And which kind of character might that be? An adult guy, clearly, he mentioned getting fun. Thats the main requirement. Manley will probably be famous at Saturdays Governors Honours ceremony in La, along with makeup artist Dick Cruz and philanthropist The famous host the famous host oprah Winfrey, who'll obtain the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award. The actor won't be within the ceremony, though, selecting to avoid the extended flight to continue Daisys run continuous. But hell be praising across water-feature and expects to sign up via video. Copyright 2011 with the Connected Press. All rights reserved. These elements is probably not launched, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

'Guillotines' sells to major areas

Hong Kong's We Distribution has introduced a raft of deals for "The Guillotines," the $15-milllion actioner helmed by "Infernal Matters" director Andrew Lau and created by Peter Ho-sun Chan.Pic began lensing in September making its sales bow at AFM. "The Guillotines" offered to Well Go USA in The United States, Splendid Films in Germany and also the Benelux, and Icon Film Distribution around australiaOrNew Zealand. Pic is really a co-production between Chan's We Pictures and Media Asia. Other partners include Stellar Mega Films Limited, Dingsheng Cultural Industry Investment and Polyface Films.Media Asia is going to do sales in Asia (excluding China), while Chan's sales outfit We Distribution will handle worldwide sales. Movie is slated for any 2012 release. Occur the Ming Empire, pic follows several street urchins educated to participate an undercover number of assassins utilizing a guillotine. Chan transformed the title to "The Guillotines" to prevent commonalities using the 1974 Shaw Siblings movie "The Flying Guillotine."Pic features Huang Xiaoming from "Ip Guy 2" and "The Content,Inch Ethan Juan, which side won best actor in the Taiwanese Golden Equine Honours for "Monga," and Shawn Yue from "Reign of Assassins" and "Infernal Matters II," in addition to Boran Jing ("Hot Summer time Days"). Contact the range newsroom at

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Reese Witherspoon Busted By PETA for Chloe Bag

Chris Jackson/Getty Images Stars, as you may know, have ample costly designer handbags. PHOTOS: Hollywood's 10 Greatest Compensated Stars Luxe brands do the things they call "seeding" -- they place their A listing bags and send them to A listing stars whom they would like to be captured pics of together. But somebody messed up here. Reese Witherspoon wasn't said to be busted transporting a 4, 000 dollar Chloe Paraty python bag, because python is against the law within the condition of California. The python bags aren't even available within the Golden Condition -- this bag was most likely delivered to Reese from Paris or NY. PHOTOS: Hollywood's New Leading Ladies A speaker for PETA went around the record, saying, "Regardless of how much Reese taken care of that bag, the creatures compensated a significantly greater cost. Each year, countless snakes are skinned alive." The speaker continues in her own tirade about how exactly badly the snakes get it once they get separated using their skin. But the reality is -- are snakes Creatures? We generally want snakes to become dead, don't we? VIDEO: Reese Witherspoon Plays Chris Pine, Tom Sturdy in 'This Means War' Trailer What's ironic is the fact that Reese continues to be named among the Most sexy Vegetarians by PETA. PETA did say they realize that Reese just might be unaware of the plight of pythons or it's illegal to purchase anything with python within the Condition of California. Wow. It sometimes's great to become a celebrity. It sometimes's a situation of whatever you do may be used against you. Reese Witherspoon

Monday, October 31, 2011

Corey Stoll joins 'Annie Parker'

StollCorey Stoll has became a member of the cast from the indie drama-comedy "Decoding Annie Parker" opposite Samantha Morton, Helen Search, Aaron Paul, Maggie Sophistication and Rashida Johnson. Stoll made an appearance as Ernest Hemingway in "Night time in Paris" and lately covered with "The Bourne Legacy." He's representing a youthful physician who befriends Samantha Morton's character and attempts to help her achieve her medical goals. "Annie Parker" is presently filming in La with Steven Bernstein pointing. The storyline focuses on the irrepressible Parker, a breast-cancer patient who stops at absolutely nothing to solve the mystery behind her illness regardless of the values from the medical establishment. "Annie Parker" is created by Clark Billings, Stuart Ross, Keith Kjarval, Mary Vernieu and Ron Senkowski with Jonathan Brownlee and Sahil Chanana professional creating. Stoll is symbolized by Suskin Management and Talent Works. Contact Dork McNary at

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Voice Season 2 Scoop: More Blind Audition Models, Bigger Teams, Savvier Participants

The Voice When NBC's The Voice returns next season, it'll be bigger than ever before. You will notice more blind audition models, through which entertainers perform for your coaches sight unseen, and 12 participants per team, up from Season 1's eight. The Voice names Christina Milian as new social media correspondent It isn't apparent exactly the amount of more blind audition episodes will air - they went for just two days taken - but executive producer Mark Burnett states careful analysis expand came from from viewer feedback and becoming more hours to produce them. "We put the show on so quickly a year ago. We just had four several days," he told carrying out a press conference Friday. "As well as the finest complaint that individuals got was, 'Awww, the blind auditions ended so early.' It absolutely was a quick blip. Therefore I handled to produce a a lot more blind auditions and clearly we're responding regarding the our fans are asking for." Series coaches - Adam Levine, Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Eco-friendly and Blake Shelton - told reporters they remain unworried in regards to the glut of music shows. The Voice returns in February following a Super Bowl, and following a X Factor systems in December, nevertheless it will still have to deal with a completely new season of yank Idol. Aguilera states The Voice's process if the involves selecting entertainers -- the coaches listening only to a performer's voice after which it swinging around in people huge red-colored-colored chairs - remains unmatched. "There is not an even more suspenseful Tv program available," she mentioned. (Burnett added: "These chairs are becoming stars themselves.Inch) Is Carson Daly the founding father of social TV? Asked for particularly in regards to the parallels to Simon Cowell's X Factor, Burnett told he'd only seen "maybe ten minutesInch in the show. "They really spent a lot of money, it's certainly large. I don't think it's different then other activities I've come across,Inch he mentioned. So while X Factor will award its champion getting a $5 million recording contract, The Voice will remain using its $100,000. "Do you realize what that jogs my memory of? It reminds of Austin Forces. 'One meeeellion dollars,'" Burnett mentioned. "I'm speaking about, people aren't watching the show for the.Inch For that completely new crop of Voice participants - all selected because the show has finished filming Season 2's blind auditions -- the coaches say these were given extra competitive if the found finishing their rosters. "Everyone knows the sport now. It is really an intense competition this year,In . Aguilera mentioned. She boasted that her team includes an opera singer "who allows you to definitely cry." "You wallow inside it wondering the people do not have record contracts," she mentioned. People participants may also be savvier than in the past if the involves picking who they wish to use. "Now, they all are like, 'What is it possible to do personally?AInch Aguilera mentioned. "They experience how it works" when several in the coaches want in. "Without warning, we're individuals pitching ourselves," Levine mentioned. Season 2 in the Voice returns Sunday, Feb. 5 following a Super Bowl on NBC.

Friday, October 28, 2011

FIRST BOX OFFICE: Puss In Boots #1, Paranormal Activity 3 #2, In Time #3, The Rum Diary #4, Footloose #5

FRIDAY PM UPDATE: Sources are giving me these early North American box office numbers which will be refined later in the evening. DreamWorks Animation’s leader Puss In Boots distributed by Paramount is poised to break the Halloween weekend record. The Shrek spinoff’s opening is in line with 2011′s other non-summer animated 3D hits like Rio ($39m) and Rango ($39M).But one rival studio exec snarked to me tonight, “What will DWA think about an opening in the $30sM? Dunno, but it could be more like Puss In Cement Boots.” Fox’s sci-fi thrillerIn Time with Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried is soft considering the wide release. (It’s clear now that Justin, while talented, is no movie star.)Whereas FilmDistrict’sThe Rum Diary withJohnny Depp is performing light as expected.Didn’t he make this movie before and wasn’t it called Fear And Loathing? (“Yes, with the same hungover result. Ouch,” one rival studio exec reminded me.) Full analysis coming. Here’s the Top 5 for now: 1. Puss In Boots (Dreamworks Animation/Paramount) NEW [3,952 Theaters] Friday $9.3M, Estimated Weekend $37M 2. Paranormal Activity 3 (Paramount) Week 2 [3,329 Theaters] Friday $7M (-70%), Estimated Weekend $20.5M, Estimated Cume $73M 3) In Time (Fox) NEW [3,001 Theaters] Friday$4.5M, Estimated Weekend $13M 4) The Rum Diary (FilmDistrict) NEW [2,272 Theaters] [2,272 Theaters] Friday$2M, Estimated Weekend $6M 5) Footloose (Paramount) Week 3 [3,224 Theaters] Friday $1.8M, Estimated Weekend $5.5M, Estimated Cume $38M

Thursday, October 27, 2011

All's Faire for each other: Film Review

NY - An astonishingly bad comedy that hardly merits booking below-tier cable, Scott Marshall's All's Faire for each other sneaks into theaters a few years after production, most probably expecting getting a couple of quick dollars from star Christina Ricci's Pan Am exposure. One imagines Ricci's agents are praying because of its quick disappearance. Their hopes is going to be clarified. STORY: 'Pan Am' Star Christina Ricci Describes Why She Boarded the ABC Series We meet Ricci's Kate in the interview that finishes when, strangely, she strips from her business suit and changes right into a flowered dress. It appears she's always imagined of working in a Renaissance Faire, and also the capitalist concentration of a Wall Street interview has finally pressed her toward her future. In the Faire she meets Will (Owen Benjamin), a university jock whose British Lit professor (Cedric the Performer) has agreed to provide him credit for any class he never attended if he'll undergo a summer time of mock-peasantry. Audiences who discover that premise difficult to swallow should mind for that exit before Will meets his tormentor, Rank (a frantically unfunny Chris Wylde), and Rank's three sidekicks -- a French dwarf, a cartoonish Chinaman along with a Mexican oaf named Jamón. PHOTOS: ABC's Year Television Shows: 'Pan Am,' 'Charlie's Angels' and much more In the opening credits -- an animated sequence so crude a junior-high art student could be embarrassed with it -- to some climax by which Kate's dog is taken hostage having a crossbow, there's no ounce of mirth within this parade of ghastly accents, container-eared romantic montages and cent-store knavery. A director whose last film was the Jessica Simpson explosive device Blonde Ambition might worry that this can be a career-killer. Opens: October 28 (MGM, Regal Entertainment exclusive) Production companies: Patriot Pictures, Duke of You are able to Pictures, That's Hollywood Cast: Christina Ricci, Owen Benjamin, Matthew Lillard, Ann-Margret, Chris Wylde, Nadine Velazquez, Cedric the Performer Director: Scott Marshall Screenwriters: Scott Marshall, Jeffrey Ray Wine Producers: Michael Mendelsohn, Ron Singer, Scott Reed Executive producers: Randy Mendelsohn, Mark Lindsay Director of photography: Mark Irwin Production designer: John Collins Music: Shaun Cardoni, Julian Jackson Costume designer: Gary Johnson Editors: Josh Muscatine, Tara Timpone Ranked PG-13, 107 minutes Ann-Margaret Christina Ricci

TV Promo: Rock Center With John Williams

NBC’s primetime newsmagazine Rock Center With John Williams, that's set to premiere on Halloween, is distributing the term via some short promotions. That certain introduces the show’s adding factors — then one who didn’t quite increase the risk for cut. Williams is actually effective in letting his spontaneity show. Let’s discover if his show carries the identical light touch among all people hard-news tales.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

NBC Buys 'Apocalipstick' Comedy, 'Masters and Apprentice' Drama from BermanBraun (Exclusive)

NBC scoops up two more projects from former network honchos Gail Berman and Lloyd Braun. The network has purchased scripts for dramaMasters and Apprentice and comedyApocalipstick. The first kind, in the pair's BermanBraun and Universal Television, focuses on a rookie FBI agent who enlists the use of a legendary but mysterious former operative to assist him infiltrate the shadowy group accountable for his parents' dying. The project is going to be written and executive created by Criminal Minds scribesDan Dworkin and Jay Beattie, with Gene Stein(Alphas, The Cape)becoming a professional producer. Berman and Braun are generally attached as non-writing Expanded polystyrene. The second is really a comedy, also from BermanBraun and Universal Television, in regards to a lady's father who eventually ends up dating her senior high school enemy. The project is going to be written and executive created by Julie Klausner (Ugly People in america, Best Week Ever), with Stein, Berman and Braun aboard as executive producers. Karen Spiegel will function as a co-executive producer. Dworkin and Beattle, whose other writing credits range from the Event and Whim, are repped by ICM Klausner is repped by WME. Related Subjects NBC TV Development

Lynne Ramsay Sets Her Sights on Moby Dick... in Outer Space

After writer-director Lynne Ramsay (Ratcatcher, Morvern Callar) debuts her latest film, this December’s moody Tilda Swinton-Ezra Miller pic We Need to Talk About Kevin, she’ll set her sights on more classic fare: Herman Melville’s Moby Dick… only, set in space. “We’re taking the premise into the realm of the galaxy; it’s creating a whole new world, and a new alien, a very psychological piece” Ramsay told Radio 5 Live’s Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo. “Mainly taking place in the ship, a bit like Das Boot, so it’s quite claustrophobic. It’s another monster movie, in a way, ‘cause the monster’s Ahab.” Stick around for more happenings in today’s Buzz Break. center> [Radio 5 Live via The Guardian] If you caught (and loved) Elizabeth Olsen in Martha Marcy May Marlene last weekend, you may be delighted to hear that her other Sundance ‘11 picture, the one-take horror remake Silent House, will be in theaters next March. [Cinema Blend] Dark Tower’s not all the way dead yet, says Brian Grazer, who told MTV that they’d shaved $45 million off the original budget and are moving forward by partnering with HBO. [MTV] You can be one of the first to see six minutes of The Dark Knight Rises this December! But only in front of showings of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol on proper 70mm IMAX screens. [Slashfilm] Happy Halloween week! Get in the spirit via Guillermo del Toro, who recently recounted his real-life ghost encounters, one of which was so spooky he had to cleanse by watching The Wire. [Toronto Star]

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Exclusive: Vampire Diaries' Arielle Kebbel to Recur on 90210

Arielle Kebbel The Vampire Diaries' Arielle Kebbel continues to be cast inside a recurring role on 90210, has learned. Kebbel will have Vanessa, a charming, edgy and vivacious former bad girl who likes just a little risk-taking now and then. She'll also become romantically involved and among the show's leading males. 90210 alum Dina Meyer returns towards the zipcode The 26-year-old actress performed Stefan's vampire closest friend Lexi on Vampire Journals and although Damon wiped out her, rumor has it she'll return soon this year. Kebbel's arc on 90210 starts airing in December.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gotham's Garden can get facelift

Simply what does $850 million allow you to get if you upgrade a structure which brings together the glitziness and vigor in the The The Big Apple and claims itself "our planet's most well-known arena"? Part of the answer will finish up apparent on March. 22 when Madison Square Garden throws open its entrance doors the first time in five several days with World Championship Boxing. The date marks in conclusion in the first phase from the three-part facelift designed to transform the ageing arena in to a sports and entertainment showplace in a position to getting within our prime profile sports, concerts and political occasions of the heyday, additionally to honours shows. The restoration may also be designed to usher in additional earnings per show, to have the ability to encourage tour producers to hold onto discover the Garden over newer arenas like the Izod Center in East Rutherford, N.J. and Prudential Center in Newark, and people being built inside the metropolitan area, such as the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The actual fact a garden is five flooring above ground, requiring more stagehands and teamsters to produce appears, helps it be most likely probably the most pricey venues within the u . s . states to make a celebration. The cost-benefit equation appears like it's sufficient for a number of concert entrepreneurs. Artists already reserved before year's finish include Duran Duran, Enrique Iglesias, Foo Mma fighters, Katy Perry and Taylor Quick. A Garden hosts roughly 350 occasions yearly, which causes it to be the second most widely used arena in the world. Furthermore, it reigns since the third-most popular music arena if this involves ticket sales. The recently completed Phase One centered on remodeling the reduced bowl(the seats within the 100 and 200 levels). Phase II, skedded for next summer season, will target the upper bowl (the seats within the 300 and 400 levels). Phase III, known as for summer season 2013, features a completely new entrance, two spectator bridges within the arena in a position to seating 500 people each, together with a ten,000- fan deck for standing-room attendance. Knicks and Rangers season-ticket holders are chief among people who will have to pony up for your restoration people who've season seats for your Basketball team will dsicover prices jump typically 49%, while their NHL brethren are going through hikes of 23%. Luxury suites, typically a venue's second most critical revenue stream behind television rights, certainly are a focus in the transformation. Really, the refurbished arena was setup while using suites in your thoughts. Right before the overhaul, a garden had 89 luxury suites listed at between $225,000 and $400,000, all situated inside the arena's upper concourse. In 1991, throughout its only prior restoration, the arena spent $200 million to eliminate hundreds of upper-tier seats to have the ability to add suites. The current restoration can provide the arena 167 suites, including 20 so-referred to as "event-level suites," that accommodate around 12 people for individuals Garden occasions where tickets are freely offered, including concerts, the circus and family shows. For hockey, the suites include seats situated inside the first five rows in the arena. For basketball, they include seats in rows 7-12. Fifty-eight new "Madison Suites" will also be built about 23 rows up within the floor, each featuring the identical fundamental layout since the lower suites. For a lot of concerts, happens will probably be situated in the western world finish in the arena or in the heart of the bowl, with no suites behind it. Each suite includes a diner, bar and bath rooms. The kitchen include granite countertops. The suites lease for just about any whopping $millions of yearly, and many types of are spoken for. Garden government bodies declined to show what they're known as of tenants. However, Garden leader and Boss Hank Ratner indicated the tenants just like a Who's Who of corporate America. As well as for your kind of money, there's one extra amenity: Tenants are allowed to choose whether their suite features a working hearth or waterfall. Contact the number newsroom at

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

B.C. digs for Look

Visual effects house Look Effects has opened up a Vancouver location within the Gastown district. The organization already has offices in La and Gotham. It joins a slew of other production and vfx companies with facilities in Vancouver, including Pixar, Digital Domain, and Rhythm & Hues, amongst others. Look Effects prez Mark Driscoll told Variety that the organization have been searching at Vancouver for "about ten years.Inch The drive to spread out a Canuck outpost "came lower to versatility," he stated. "Clients desired to have the ability to use Look, however in locations where were preferential due to tax incentives and shooting locations." The vfx company will staff the Vancouver branch with Canadian talent. Its first project in Vancouver is going to be Summit's horror pic "Warm Physiques." Contact the range newsroom at

Monday, October 17, 2011

Whitaker, Stanton join 'Last Stand'

Forest Whitaker, Luis Guzman, Johnny Knoxville and Harry Dean Stanton are rounding out the cast of Lionsgate's "The Last Stand," which moved into production Monday with Arnold Schwarzenegger returning to acting for the first time since leaving the California governorship. Lionsgate, which has domestic and international distribution rights, said the film has pre-sold well in several overseas territories. Jaimie Alexander is in the female lead opposite Schwarzenegger. South Korean helmer Kim Jee-Woon directs the pic, which finds Schwarzenegger playing the sheriff of a sleepy little town who runs up against an escaped drug cartel leader heading for the Mexican border. Peter Stormare, Rodrigo Santoro, Eduardo Noriega and Zach Gilford co-star in the film, which is being produced by Lorenzo di Bonaventura. Andrew Knauer wrote the original spec script that was subsequently rewritten by Jeffrey Nachmanoff and more recently, George Nolfi. Schwarzenegger, Knoxville and Jee-Woon are represented by CAA. Santoro and Stormare are represented by ICM, with Guzman represented by the Gersh Agency, and Whitaker and Gilford represented by WME. Stanton is represented by Bresler-Kelly and Associates. Deals were negotiated on behalf of Lionsgate by Robert Melnik, Executive Vice President of Business Affairs. Contact Dave McNary at

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New on DVD & Blu-ray, Week of October 11: 'Green Lantern,' 'The Tree of Life' and 'Horrible Bosses'

It's another banner week for home video releases, with a plethora of choices that run the gamut from the ridiculous to the sublime: There's the meaningful tale of 'The Tree of Life' set off against the nonsense of 'Horrible Bosses,' while the comic book world of 'Green Lantern' is juxtaposed with the fantasy life of 'Zookeeper' ... and there's all manner of 'B' movies in between. Read on. 'Green Lantern' What It's About: Director Martin Campbell -- best known for hotshot work on 'GoldenEye' and 'Casino Royale' -- tackles the origins of the Green Lantern with mixed results. The Green Lanterns -- some 3,000 of them, each with a ring that grants him the ability to create anything his mind can imagine -- have been the galactic keepers of the peace for eons. That peace is threatened when the worst evil force in the universe -- Parallax, whose strength is based on fear -- escapes its confinement and heads for Earth on its first stop to galactic destruction. Only newly minted Green Lantern Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds), a cocky test pilot with fear issues of his own stands in the way of total apocalypse. Will he save the world and win the girl? You betcha. It's Kinda Like: 'Hancock' meets 'Spider-Man' What We Say: Green Lantern was one of those DC comic book super heroes that rebellious fanboys turned to when they were fed up with the predictability of Superman, Batman and their minions. The stories were more involving, the villains more complicated, the powers more otherworldly. None of this translates to the film, however. Reynolds is way miscast -- and way too snarky -- as Jordan/Green Lantern, the other Green Lanterns are way too Disneyesque (to coin a word for being too cartoonish) and Parallax looks more like a thunder cloud with dreads than a devourer of galaxies. There's some cool special effects -- and Blake Lively is always nice to have around -- but for the most part, 'Green Lantern' is a dud. • Extras: The Blu-ray disc includes an extended version of the film, several featurettes, a 'Justice League #1' digital comic, additional scenes, and Warner's Ultraviolet Digital Copy, which allows cloud streaming. Rotten Tomatoes Reviews | Buy DVD | Save DVD to your Netflix queue Watch a clip from the DVD: 'The Tree of Life' What It's About: This ambitious story of love, loss and family ties from Terrence Malick, one of America's most highly-regarded filmmakers, tells the story of a small town Texas family in the 1950s that experiences the loss of one of its sons, a tragedy that triggers each family member's deep questioning about their place in the scheme of things. The mother, father, and remaining brother grapple with the way they can absorb horrific change while still retaining their dignity and remaining thriving human beings. It's a tough journey that taxes each family member ... and audiences as well. It's Kinda Like: 'A River Runs Through It' and 'How the Earth Was Made' What We Say: Maverick filmmaker Malick has had audiences and critics severely divided on this one. Some think it's a masterpiece of lyrical filmmaking; others think it's a cinematic journey sorely in need of an editor. We tend to side with the latter. Malick's scope of one family's place on the planet is so overblown and ambitious that he often gets lost in images that have little to do with the family tragedy at hand. When Malick is able to stay focused on his actors (Jessica Chastain as the mother; Brad Pitt as the father; Sean Penn as the grown brother), he creates magic in showing the tenderness and tensions between them. But when he thrusts the story into imagery of the earth's formation, dinosaurs, and what often seem like the insides of a lava lamp, he loses his grip on good, tight storytelling. Yet this is a film that deserves to be seen. It's a pure example of a director whose vision remains unique and uncompromised. Pitt is a standout as the stern but loving father. • Extras: A behind-the-scenes featurette. Rotten Tomatoes Reviews | Buy DVD | Save DVD to your Netflix queue 'Horrible Bosses' What It's About: Three working stiffs -- Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day -- have the worst bosses in the world, but their financial situations and weak job market prevent then from quitting. Tired of putting up with humiliation and (sexual) harassment by the likes of Kevin Spacey, Colin Farrell and Jennifer Aniston, the three meet with a hustling ex-con (Jamie Foxx) to get some pointers on eliminating these ogres and come up with a plan to kill each other's boss. Naturally everything that can go wrong, does, and the trio soon find themselves way over their heads in deceit, misunderstandings, and mistaken identities. It's Kinda Like: 'Strangers on a Train' meets 'Nine to Five' What We Say: This mash-up of 'Strangers on a Train,' 'Dirty Work,' 'Swimming With Sharks,' 'Throw Momma From the Train,' 'The Devil Wears Prada,' 'The Office,' 'Nine to Five' and 'The Hangover' starts out by promising us the fulfillment of every worker's wildest dream: getting even with your nasty boss. It's a dark premise, but while insinuating that revenge will be sweet, the film quickly devolves into a silly, vapid, nasty mess with bathroom humor, gratuitous sexual innuendo, and a waste of several talented actors. • Extras: Deleted scenes, a couple behind-the-scenes featurettes. Rotten Tomatoes Reviews | Buy DVD | Save DVD to your Netflix queue Watch a clip: Other New October 11 Releases: 'Adventures in Pornoland': (2008) A Canadian couple head to Hollywood to get work in the film industry but reluctantly get involved in the porn biz. 'Arena' (2011) A man kidnapped from his ordinary life is thrust into the savage world of a modern day gladiatorial arena where men fight to the death for the entertainment of the online masses. Stars Samuel L. Jackson, Kellan Lutz, Nina Dobrev, Daniel Dae Kim. 'Beautiful Boy' (2010) A married couple on the verge of separation are leveled by the news that their 18-year-old son committed a mass shooting at his college, then took his own life. Stars Michael Sheen, Maria Bello. 'Cafe' (2010) A week in the life of a group of West Philadelphia residents -- who congregate in the local coffee house -- dealing with life's challenges and trying to get things right. Stars Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jamie Kennedy, Daniel Eric Gold, Alex Vega. 'Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer': (2011) It's summer time and though feisty, fearless Judy Moody finds herself stuck at home with her pesky brother Stink under the watchful eye of Aunt Opal, she uses her imagination and smarts to turn a boring summer into a fun time. Stars Jordana Beatty, Heather Graham, Jaleel White, Preston Bailey, Parris Mosteller. 'Lunopolis': 2009) Two documentarians accidentally uncover proof of a hidden city on the moon inhabited by people from the future controlling life on Earth. 'Mr. Nice': (2010) The true story of Howard Marks (aka Mr. Nice, a cult figure who inspired books and songs), a middle-class Welsh boy and Oxford scholar who became one of Britain's biggest marijuana smugglers and hobnobbed with Hollywood hotshots, Arab millionaires and IRA honchos until his arrest and eventual 25-year prison sentence. Stars Rhys Ifans, David Thewlis, Chloe Sevigny, Crispin Glover. 'The Princess of Montpensier': (2010 -- France) The latest directorial outing by French great Bertrand Tavernier sets love and intrigue against the backdrop of the savage Catholic/Protestant wars that ripped France apart in the 16th century. Based on a novella by the celebrated Madame de Lafayette. 'Terri': (2011) A school principal and a shy-but-pretty teen girl take an overweight social misfit, Terri Thompson -- the lone caretaker and guardian for his elderly Uncle James -- under their wings to help him find acceptance in school ... and life. Stars John C. Reilly, Creed Bratton, Jacob Wysocki, Olivia Crocicchia. 'Zookeeper': Kevin James is the poor man's Dr. Dolittle in this comedy about the animals in a zoo who offer advice on life and love to their zookeeper in order to prevent him from leaving his job. Stars Rosario Dawson, Leslie Bibb and the voice talents of Cher, Nick Nolte, Adam Sandler, Sylvester Stallone, Judd Apatow, Jim Breuer, Jon Favreau, Faison Love and Maya Rudolph. Check out more October 11 DVD releases at OnVideo.

Quentin Tarantino Setting Don Manley For Django Unchained

Django Unchained director Quentin Tarantino has offered the role of wealthy plantation owner Spencer Bennett to Don Manley, plus they are settling for Manley to become listed on a cast which includes Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Samuel L. Jackson and Kurt Russell. The image shoots this fall using the Weinstein Company disbursing locally and The new sony foreign. Tarantino is definitely great for an unexpected or two when he goes past the apparent casting lists and taps talent from his memory banks, something he's completed with the kind of Travolta Qantas Video and also the late David Carradine. Putting the first kind Miami Vice and Nash Bridges star right into a villainous role here appears inspired. Bennett runs a reliable of “ponies,” that is a terrible description for which is really several attractive youthful black slave hookers. The liberated slave Django (Foxx) and the fugitive hunter partner (Waltz) satisfy the plantation owner in search of a bounty, and that he turns the table in it. Tarantino continues to be speaking to Manley a while concerning the role. Manley most lately performed a personality known as Miles Deep within the recent comedy Bucky Larson: Born To Become A Star, but soon his newest credit is a large Tarantino film.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Morning Grind: Michigan Lady Sues FilmDistrict Over 'Drive' Trailers

Being reductive in regards to a film as lovingly crafted as 'My Week With Marilyn' feels a little cheap, but thinking about Oscar season is about cutbacks: should you be wondering which approaching little bit of Oscar bait may be the heir(ain) apparent to 'The King's Speech' take a look at 'Marilyn.' In the film's primary theme (by 'The King's Speech' composer Alexandre Desplat) to the existence of Harvey Weinstein's title in credits to some lead performance, here by Michelle Williams, that appears destined for honours glory, 'My Week With Marilyn' shares more most abundant in recent Best Picture champion than you may have assumed. That is its strength, in addition to its limitation. In line with the journals of Colin Clark, 'My Week With Marilyn' is really a coming-of-age story masked like a biopic. Or perhaps a biopic masked like a coming-of-age story. In 1956, in the ripe chronilogical age of "nearly 24," Clark (Eddie Redmayne) leaves the place to find are another assistant director around the group of 'The Princess and also the Showgirl' with Mister Laurence Olivier (Kenneth Branagh) and Marilyn Monroe (Williams). During the period of the shoot -- which Monroe stretches past the norms due to her devotion towards the Method type of acting championed by Lee and Paula Strasberg -- Clark and also the world's most well-known leading lady fall under an elaborate relationship of affection and want, much towards the consternation of Olivier, Marilyn's primary handler Milton Greene (Dominic Cooper, entirely Howard Stark mode) and Colin's maybe-girlfriend Lucy (Emma Watson, Hermione'ing up). Colin's in over his mind with Marilyn, however the pull of her come-hither winks and little-girl-lost persona is simply too much for just about any guy to face. A minimum of that is what the film informs us. Frequently. Like 'The King's Speech,' this can be a "tell, do not showInch production: through pointless voice-over and high-handed dialogue, 'My Week With Marilyn' hammers home its slight points -- that Colin can get his heart damaged that Monroe is playing a component and not able to flee, even when she would like to -- in ways that recalls an Cinemax telefilm. Thank heavens then for that performances. Not too you are surprised, but Williams is perfection as Ms. Monroe. She nails the nuance and subtlety from the role -- which really requires three different personas: the general public Marilyn Monroe, the non-public Marilyn Monroe and also the part in 'The Princess and also the Showgirl.' "You need to think about them together, because they have to adhere," Williams stated in a publish screening Q&A in the NY Film Festival on Sunday. "I understand that you will find three different factors, but I'm not sure just how much it will help to think about them as three separate people." Williams may be the least flashy part of the film, an impressive fact since a lot of portrayals of Monroe border on cartoon. You are able to tell the job she put in this performance: not only using the voice, actions and attitude, however with your eyes. Williams draws you into Monroe's wounded soul gradually, carefully and deliberately. It is too soon to go over Oscar locks and management -- not too we've not already -- however it appears highly probable that Williams is going to be around the short-listing of Best Actress challengers come next Feb. For the relaxation from the cast: Redmayne is adorably naive and mouth-gaped throughout, giving Colin a little of new charm that never feels forced. Branagh will get the showboat-y role of Olivier -- Mister Ray to his buddies -- playing the acting titan as both blustering idiot and cold-eyed perfectionist, a maturing prat who uses "honesty" in an effort to cut lower all competitors. Everybody else is dependably British and solid, with Dame Judi Dench, Derek Jacobi, Toby Johnson and Julia Ormand knocking out their brief moments and moments with professionalism, reliability , sophistication. The problem: for any movie in regards to a forbidden love and among Hollywood's greatest and many inscrutable stars, 'My Week With Marilyn' feels too professional. It's all regulated too safe. Like 'The King's Speech,' it's as gorgeous like a still photograph -- the film never moves. Simon Curtis, an experienced of British television work making his feature debut here, has something to with this -- his style makes Tom Hooper seem like David Fincher -- but he's given no the aid of the on-the-nose script. Not too sooner or later it matters: 'My Week With Marilyn' is really a performance movie and, as Redmayne confirmed following the film, that's Curtis's strength. "The main reason a lot of remarkable stars were focusing on this film was simply because they love employed by Simon," stated Redmayne. "He's an excellent facility with stars." Which would be to say, expect if Harvey Weinstein has another Oscar ace up his sleeve in the end, the actor's branch may be the biggest voting block within the Academy. Once The Weinstein Company snapped up Cannes favorite 'The Artist,' many assumed it might become Harvey's Best Picture cause célèbre. Still it might. With 'My Week With Marilyn,' though, 'The Artist' would likely possess some inter-office company. [Photo: The Weinstein Company] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook RELATED: 'My Week With Marilyn' Photos Michelle Williams as Marilyn MonroeEddie Redmayne as Colin ClarkKenneth Branagh as Mister Laurence OlivierEmma Watson and Eddie Redmayne as Lucy and Colin Clark See All Moviefone Art galleries »

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Apocalypse or possibly a buffet

Charlotte now now Gainsbourg and Kirsten Dunst flank Alexander Skarsgard. "Even 10 mins in I used to be like I'm need to see the Cliff's Notes," a guest shared with her friend within the after-party of Magnolia Pictures' "Melancholia," the newest film from director Lars Von Trier. The pic, which unspooled Monday at Alice Tully Hall incorporated within the NY Film Fest, focuses on a planet that may collide with Earth. Pic's Kirsten Dunst mentioned she fears earthquakes greater than comets, while co-star Charlotte now now Gainsbourg offered, "In my opinion a pokey ending might be terrifying. Therefore I in the event you should you prefer a quick one." Within the Stone Rose Lounge fete, pic's Alexander Skarsgard spoken along with his "Hay Dogs" co-star Rhys Coiro and Jack McBrayer of "30 Rock" who loved the party options. "That is free!" he introduced.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Watch Christina Hendricks in a James Bond Commercial With Pierce Brosnan

YouTube is great for unearthing old and/or embarrassing commercials from current movie stars. Take for instance the one just found by the NY Daily News. The ad stars Pierce Brosnan as James Bond and a young Christina Hendricks as a British woman selling him caviar. The commercial is from 1997, meaning Brosnan was likely doing it to promote the 007 film 'Tomorrow Never Dies.' Funny enough, Hendricks and Brosnan would meet up 14 years later for the film 'I Don't Know How She Does It.' Wonder what Pierce would have thought if we told him in 1997 that his young commercial co-star would arguably be more famous than he would in 2011? [via NY Daily News] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

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New Muppets Character Banners

Kermit! Animal! Dame Piggy!Every single thing we've seen from the new Muppet Movie so far looks pretty darn awesome. From poster to other poster to trailer and parody trailer, via a barn-storming, crowd-winning appearance at Empire's Big Screen event (whereat our Chris conferred a Damehood on MissPiggy), it's all gold.And now here's a new set of character posters that continue that tradition by being freakin' awesome.It helps, of course, that the character design is so iconic that you basically have to point a camera at these folk to end up with a great poster - but still. Good work!Many pats on many backs. The Muppets is out on November 23 in the US, and February 10, 2012, in the UK, in an example of blatant discrimination in favour of their country of origin. Haven't you forgiven and forgotten that whole Revolutionary War thing yet?Seriously.

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Kurt Russell Joins Django Unchained

Changing Kevin Costner as Ace WoodyScheduling conflicts have forced Kevin Costner to bow from Quentin Tarantino's western, but his loss has motivated something of the Dying Proof reunion:Django Unchained now looks set to welcome Kurt Russell towards the lately vacated role of Ace Woodsy.Russell performed the murderous Stuntman Mike in Tarantino's muscle vehicle exploitation slasher surprise, and can inhabit a nearly equally uncomfortable character if he signs onto Django. Woodsy is really a sadistic plantation manager who relishes punishing slaves. He forms a part of a villainous triumvirate with plantation owner Leonardo DiCaprio (who runs dying-matches among his slaves), and Samuel L Jackson because the "mind slave" loyal to DiCaprio.Meanwhile, Laura Cayouette, who performed Rocket in Kill Bill Vol. 2, has became a member of the cast as DiCaprio's widowed sister: a "Southern belle" who co-is the owner of the plantation.As you will be knowledgeable if you have been following to date, Django Unchained stars Jamie Fox like a freed slave who turns into a fugitive hunter underneath the tutelage of Christoph Waltz, before going to the DiCaprio plantation to liberate his slave wife. Gerald McRaney and Dennis Christopher will also be showing up, and shooting begins in November, for any release in the finish of 2012.