Thursday, September 29, 2011

Saul Zaentz Sues Miramax-Disney (Again!) Over The English Patient Profits

Thatlegendary movie producer Saul Zaentz is litigious is nothing new. Today he’s suing Miramax and Disneyfor breach of contract alleging he hasn’t seen enough profit from the 15-year-oldBest Picture Oscar-winnerThe English Patient. He’saccusingthe studios of blatant self-dealing and manipulation and mistating the movie’s revenue by millions in order to enrich itself — but not Zaentz. as well as deceptive and unfair accounting practices in connection with the movie.The lawsuit was filedtoday by Lavely & Singer’s Marty Singerin Los Angeles Superior Court. But here’s the thing: this isn’t the first time Zaentz has done this. He sued Miramax and Disney over pretty much the same stuff in the same court over the same picback in 2006. And it was Lavely & Singer who filed that lawsuit, too. (Did they just Xerox today’s complaint?) That firstscuffle was dismissed in 2008. In this latest legal battle, Zaentzalso is seeking $20 million in damages — same as before. Of course, the Weinsteinsowned Miramax when the film was released but now it’s Disney’s problem because Zaentz claims the Mouse House promised to be good for the dough.of course,Disney doesn’t own Miramax anymore. What a mess.

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